Reusable Packaging

Reusable Packaging

The Induspac Group designs and produces returnable and back up expendable packaging, providing our customers with cost effective design solutions with the same density and yield in both versions, saving valuable time and improving efficiency.
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We are a single source for both, your returnable and expendable packaging requirements:

  • Plastic corrugated partition assemblies, layer pads, custom totes
  • Custom designed interior dunnage
  • Variety of foams for dunnage applications, including cross-link for “Class A” surfaces
  • Specialized coatings for protection of sensitive parts

The Induspac Group custom designs returnable packaging utilizing a variety of foams and corrugated plastics.

Our customized returnable packaging solutions will:

  • Maximize pack density
  • Minimize cost
  • Provide for ease of loading and unloading of parts
  • Protect sensitive “Class A “surfaces